Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Like most women my age, I'm 28 years old.. hahaha.. XD

For the past two months I have been in touch with my inner bookworm and has finished almost 10 books in one month.. Even when I go online, I commune with other book nerds and open book blogs to look for new titles to read.. Even goodreads has more visits than my own email. *facepalm*

I am now even inspired to blog books that I've read (me, the leecher who gets blog space just to be able to download stuff) which is kind of a leap since I really don't blog blog and just post stuff not thinking other people would be interested in what I type or post, hehe.

Well, I've already blurted this thought out to one of my friends (another book addict; attention Kwini!) and though we already bash and rant and rave (not to mention fantasize about the male book characters a.k.a. book boyfriends XD) about books we've read on Plurk, there is a need to bash and rant and rave with other people not on Plurk, hehe (attention Jennie Santos, Kaje Padua).

For now, will just try to post here as frequently as possible. Gah, my brain's bleeding out from my ear from typing this post.. XD